
Showing posts from May, 2021

Solar Pool Covers For Above Ground

How do our Solar blankets work and keep your pool warm Solar radiation is the key to heating a pool naturally. When the sun beats down on the pool our semi translucent cover allows solar radiation to enter the water, thus heating the pool, as though the cover was absent.  The other thing a solar blanket does is trap heat in the pool water. At night when it gets cool the pool water will begin to condense out of the pool, this draws the heat out of the water.  Our solar blanket blocks this from happening so all that heat you built up will stay in the pool. So you get the heating during the day (the solar part of the equation) and you get the thermal protection at night (the blanket part of the equation). If you don’t get much sun on the pool the blanket will not heat the pool. So the bottom line is no sun on the pool no heating effect from the blanket. If you have a heater for the pool, regardless of they type of heater, you will want a blanket to trap the heat in the pool. If yo

Hayward's revolutionary Automation...Hayward Omnilogic HLBASE

Convenience at its best.... - AT $2499CAD HAYWARDS OMNILOGIC AND...SALT CHLORINATION, SENSE AND DISPENSE, ECOSTAR VSP AND ROBOTIC CLEANERS HAVE LEAP FROGGED OTHER BRANDS.  Working less and playing more is entirely possible for pool and spa owners, through Hayward's automated technologies. You can all but forget about maintaining pool and spa functions or running to the pool store for chemicals, fussing with pH and chlorine levels, cleaning and a lot more.  Ever turn your pool equipment on and forget about it? Running it 24 hours-a-day, while your meter was cranking away? Or have you forgotten to turn it on at all, then suddenly discovered your pool turned green? With automation, you can set schedules to match your lifestyle. Take filtration, for example – you can program it to run one way all week, then automatically increase during busy weekends including increasing sanitization and your Variable Speed Pump's RPMs. Now chlorine and pH levels can be automatically balanced,